New Home!

So I'm switching over to From everything I've seen, it looks a lot more up my alley for my blogging needs. WordPress, while extremely flexible and customizable, was completely against the way I think about writing. I was constantly dreading visiting the admin page. On top of that, I was focused too much on the website design, knowing full well that I am extremely awful with design of any kind.

What sealed the deal for me was the 'give' special they have. I have a few friends into writing, and I'd like to give someone something special if they're interested. To my surprise the gift subscription lasts as long as my subscription does. I would really like whoever gets the invite to take full advantage of it.

In the meantime, I guess this is my first post for #100daystooffload. Whether posts are long form or not, we shall see. But hopefully I'll be able to provide something insightful by the end of it all.